Academic mobility: Reference guide for academic mobility within the national territory
The Higher Education Era also aims to allow students to continue part of their studies at another...
An academic mobility contract is concluded between two higher education institutions to promote...
Who can run? Each student registered in the original institution can run according to the type of...
Who can run ? The student concerned with academic mobility must be regularly enrolled in the...
What Is Academic Mobility
Aims of Academic Mobility
Ability to apply for academic mobility
Academic mobility steps
Digital Platform for Candidacy for Academic Mobility
Documents to be filled before starting mobility
A student wishing to move should complete the following forms:
- F0 Form : Application Form,
- F1 Form : A reasoned application submitted by the student;
- F2 Form : A letter of recommendation from a professor.
There after, the file is supplemented by the following documents:
- F3 Bachelor's Degree - Master Form : Study Contract Form,
- F4 Form : Equivalent form,
- F99 Form : Contract
- F5 Form : Certificate of admission to the receiving institution;
- F6 Form : End of Mobility,
- F7 Form : Points disclosure,
- F8 Form : Discussion of the end-of-study project,
- F9 Form : Letter of Thanks